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Man in his 50s has drowned in pool

Floderus on the first time in freedom: It feels really real

Floderus on the first time in freedom: It feels really real

Man dies in drowning accident at Läckö Castle

Man dies in drowning accident at Läckö Castle


Ministry for Foreign Affairs: Another Swedish citizen sentenced to death in Iraq


Nuclear Waste May Have Been Sorted Incorrectly

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Multiple people receive medical attention after chemical spill at cider factory

Sneakers and tattoos okay for SAS employees

Sneakers and tattoos okay for SAS employees


Shot and Injured Man Questioned by Police – No Arrests Made

▸ Police reports - Sweden


Tonsillitis can be deadly - more people should be tested

The Weekend's Downpour: Where the Most Rain Fell

The Weekend's Downpour: Where the Most Rain Fell

The Police Fear a Dangerous Cocktail of Violence This Summer

The Police Fear a Dangerous Cocktail of Violence This Summer


Man suspected of raping teenager at beach


New laws: Secure plastic caps and grandfather's parental leave

Suspected Attempted Murder in Flen

Suspected Attempted Murder in Flen

The Head of Military Intelligence: We Live in a Dangerous Time

The Head of Military Intelligence: We Live in a Dangerous Time


Woman dies after drowning accident