Västerbotten, a selection of the night's police activity
Kl 22:02, Lycksele
A motorcycle accident has occurred on road 699/Nabbenvägen. The driver is being taken to the hospital by ambulance. The vehicle is being towed.
Police are documenting the scene and conducting interviews. There is no suspicion of a crime.
Kl 22:04, Umeå
Residents in the area near the arena on Teg contact the police due to loud music playing. People cannot sleep.
When the police arrive at the scene, no music is being played. Conversations are held with some young people who are present.
Kl 22:06, Skellefteå
Police are contacted regarding loud music being played from cars at the arena, at Vitberget. People in the surrounding area are disturbed by the noise level.
Police are heading there_._ Vehicles are being turned away as motor traffic is prohibited on the site (signs indicating this should have been removed).
Two vehicles are found, but no loud music is being played. Conversations are still held with the people at the vehicles.
Kl 00:11, Umeå
Damage has been caused to a car in the city center. A report is being filed.
Kl 00:14, Umeå
Police are being dispatched to Holmsund due to a disagreement over the payment of a taxi ride. The customer does not want to pay the full amount for the ride.
The driver and customer are found. A report is being filed regarding fraud.
Kl 02:02, Skellefteå
A woman is being checked by police in the city center. Suspicion arises that she is under the influence of narcotics. She is being taken for a drug test.
The test results will later show if a crime has been committed.
Kl 02:13, Umeå
A moped is stopped for a check in Holmsund. There are an excessive number of passengers in the vehicle, one person is sitting in the trunk.
Fines are being issued and contact is being made with the guardian.