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September 26, 07:31, Summary of the night, Norrbotten County

Published: 26 September 2024

A selection of the night's police activity.

A person has been taken into custody for intoxication. The police have also conducted several checks on individuals and vehicles that have not resulted in any suspicion of crime.

Here follows a selection of events from last night:

22:31 Traffic accident, Piteå
There is an alarm about a single-vehicle accident on E4 at Jävre. According to initial reports, a car has driven into the median strip, two people are said to have been traveling in the car. The police are heading to the scene. Two people are taken to hospital by ambulance, there are initially no reports of any serious injuries. The car is being towed from the scene. A report of a traffic accident without suspicion of crime will be filed.

22:44 Fire, Kiruna
The police are heading to the Järnvägsparken in Kiruna due to a fire in a barbecue hut. The fire is being investigated as general reckless behavior. There is no known suspect initially.