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September 27, 14:00, Animals, Järfälla

Published: 27 September 2024

Loose dogs attack people in Barkarby and a woman is injured.

On Ekstrandsgatan in Barkarby, three loose dogs are running around and making a charge at people. Some people take shelter in a house, but a 75-year-old woman doesn't manage to get out of the way and gets bitten on the leg. The dogs are completely unknown to the people on the scene and several patrols are sent to the area to apprehend the dogs. During the work on the scene, the dogs' owner turns up with a car and catches them. However, the police's decision to allow the dogs to be apprehended remains, and they are therefore transported to a animal shelter. The woman who was bitten on the leg is driven to the hospital by ambulance. A report will be written about the offense against the law on supervision of dogs and cats and causing bodily harm.