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September 28, 22:07, Traffic Offense, Umeå

Published: Today 05:40

Carelessness on the road E4 south of Umeå

Police patrol will check information that has been reported about cars and people gathering on E4 south of Umeå for a so-called "street race" - which is an unauthorized or organized type of competition.

When the patrol arrives at the scene, they are met by a larger number of cars and people. The patrol tries to make its way through with the help of sound and light signals, but the large number of cars and people at the scene made it difficult. When the patrol arrives, they perceive that two cars start a competition and choose to initiate a pursuit of the vehicles. The pursuit lasted for a shorter time, heading south on E4, before one of the vehicles chose to stop on the patrol's request.

The driver, a man in his 40s, was suspected of reckless driving and the driver's license was taken into custody on the spot.