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September 23, 07:49, Summary of the night, Östergötland County

Published: 23 September 2024

Night Summary

Police regional command center has handled a number of 70 cases related to Östergötland County between 22:00 and 07:00.

No major incidents or violent crimes have come to the police's knowledge during the night.

Assault on Finspångsvägen in Norrköping

00:44 A man reported that he had been attacked and then beaten and kicked from behind by two unknown men on Finspångsvägen in Norrköping. The perpetrators then left the scene in a vehicle.

It is unclear whether the victim needed hospital care. A report of assault has been filed.

Bicycle thieves lost their loot

00:54 A vigilant citizen noticed that two boys had broken off copper sheeting from a wall in Pryssgården. These individuals left the scene on bicycles and it did not go better than that the stolen goods fell off during their escape. However, it is unclear if everything fell off. Several patrols were involved in the search for the perpetrators, who however escaped.

A report of theft has been filed.