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September 23, 15.46, Theft, Skövde

Published: 23 September 2024

An 80-year-old woman is robbed of a necklace when she is in her garden.

A woman and a man in their 35-40 years old approach the woman in her 80s, who is standing in her garden. The woman puts a necklace on the older woman. When she then takes off the necklace, she takes off a necklace that the older woman had been wearing earlier at the same time. The couple then leaves the place. The older woman later discovers that her necklace is missing and reports the police. A patrol arrives at the scene, but does not encounter the couple. A report of serious theft has been filed.

Be on your guard against diversionary tactics
Have extra vigilance over your belongings if an unknown person is trying to distract or help you. Many pickpocket and bag thieves use a diversionary tactic while a accomplice takes your wallet or bag. It can, for example, be that someone spills something on you or, as in this case, puts a necklace on you. Read more about how you can protect yourself against crime on polisen.se.

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