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September 28, 07:30, Summary of the night, Västerbotten County

Published: 28 September 2024

Västerbotten, a selection of the police's night-time activities

12:00-7:00 AM, nine people have been taken into custody for intoxication (one of whom is suspected of attempting to commit violence against a public official and violent resistance) and one has been taken in for testing after suspicion of drug offenses. The police have also handled a report of sexual harassment at a restaurant in central Umeå and checked a number of people and vehicles that did not result in any suspicion of crime.

In other news:

12:47 AM, Lycksele

Police are contacted regarding an assault in a pub environment, a man is alleged to have assaulted another man. The perpetrator is alleged to have left the scene, but is found by the police a short time later.

The man, who is in his 45s, is arrested. An interrogation is held and the prosecutor decides that he should be detained.

1:25 AM, Umeå

Police are dispatched to a restaurant in the city center where an assault has occurred on the dance floor. Two young men are alleged to be involved. A report is filed.

2:38 AM, Skellefteå

Police are dispatched to the city center due to an assault outside, near a restaurant. Several people are alleged to be at the scene.

When the police arrive at the scene, a number of people are checked. An interrogation is held during the night and reports of assault are filed.

3:15 AM, Umeå

A driver is stopped for speeding on regional road 642, Tomtebo. The driver has driven 66 km/h on a 40 km/h road. Fines are issued.

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