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"I'm not a party pooper"

"I'm not a party pooper"

USA takes action against Houthi rebels in the Red Sea

USA takes action against Houthi rebels in the Red Sea

Emergency Aid via Pier in Gaza Paused - UN to Investigate

Emergency Aid via Pier in Gaza Paused - UN to Investigate

Researchers: Will have significant consequences for them

Researchers: Will have significant consequences for them

USA labels Nordic Resistance Movement as a terrorist organisation

USA labels Nordic Resistance Movement as a terrorist organisation

White Bison Calf "Both a Blessing and a Warning"

White Bison Calf "Both a Blessing and a Warning"

USA's Highest Court Rejects Trump's Weapon Ban

USA's Highest Court Rejects Trump's Weapon Ban

Question Marks Over Nato: Where Does Gotland Belong?

Question Marks Over Nato: Where Does Gotland Belong?

These are the participants in "Stars at the Castle"

These are the participants in "Stars at the Castle"

Super Mario lifts Sweden as a role model

Super Mario lifts Sweden as a role model

"Abortion rights dropped from G7 statement"

"Abortion rights dropped from G7 statement"

Muted optimism among Swedish companies worldwide

Muted optimism among Swedish companies worldwide

Difficult-to-Treat Fungus Can Be Transmitted Through Sex

Difficult-to-Treat Fungus Can Be Transmitted Through Sex

Israel seizes Palestinian tax revenue: "Extremely serious"

Israel seizes Palestinian tax revenue: "Extremely serious"

Drug Gangs Threaten Tropical Birds

Drug Gangs Threaten Tropical Birds

Cannabis shortage on the island - being shipped in

Cannabis shortage on the island - being shipped in

Republicans hailed Trump: "Fantastically united"

Republicans hailed Trump: "Fantastically united"

Historic Security Pact between USA and Ukraine

Historic Security Pact between USA and Ukraine

Dream Start for Åberg – Lies Second in US Open

Dream Start for Åberg – Lies Second in US Open

Unexpectedly low producer prices in the USA

Unexpectedly low producer prices in the USA

F-16 Deal: USA and Turkey Sign Agreement

F-16 Deal: USA and Turkey Sign Agreement

Players' Union Protests Against New Mega Tournament

Players' Union Protests Against New Mega Tournament

Russian money guarantees new billions to Ukraine

Russian money guarantees new billions to Ukraine

Frozen assets burning issue at G7 meeting

Frozen assets burning issue at G7 meeting