The EU Commission has published its proposal for the highest permitted catch quantities for the West Sea next year. In Skagerrak, Kattegatt, and western Baltic Sea, it is proposed that fishing for cod be stopped to stabilize the stock.
In Kattegatt, it is proposed that the catch quantities of plaice remain the same as for 2024. Plaice and cod are caught unintentionally during crab fishing, and since there are recommendations for zero catch of cod, the restrictions for crab and plaice should remain low.
The measures to protect the eel stock are also maintained. The European eel is classified as acutely endangered and fishing is regulated according to strict quotas. The EU Council of Ministers has introduced ban periods for eel fishing, one of which applies from September 15 this year to March 15 next year.
The EU Council of Ministers determines each year the highest permitted catch for fish species in EU waters. It is then distributed among member states in the form of national catch quotas.
The size of the Swedish quotas will finally be determined by the EU Council of Ministers at a meeting on December 9-10.