
All reports

May 19 07.48, Summary night, Västerbotten County

Published: 19 May 2024 07:48
A selection of the night's police operations between 00:00-07:00:

May 18, 22:07, Olle's hot, Sandviken

Published: 19 May 2024 07:42
Angry man deprived of freedom.

May 19, 07:25, Summary night, Dalarna county

Published: 19 May 2024 07:40
Below follows a selection of the night's operational events in the county

May 19, 07:09, Night Summary, Värmland County

Published: 19 May 2024 07:25
Below follows a selection of the night's operational events in the county

May 19, 07:25, Night Summary, Norrbotten County

Published: 19 May 2024 07:25
A selection of the night's police operations between 00:00-07:00:

May 19, 06:25, Night Summary, Örebro County

Published: 19 May 2024 07:09
Below follows a selection of the night's operational events in the county

May 19, 07:08, Night Summary, Västernorrland County

Published: 19 May 2024 07:08
A selection of the night's police operations between 00:00-07:00:

May 19, 07.00, Summary evening and night, Västra Götaland county

Published: 19 May 2024 07:00
Today's press spokesperson is on site.

May 19, 07.00, Summary evening and night, Halland county

Published: 19 May 2024 07:00
Today's press spokesperson is on site.

May 19, 03:50, Assault, Ystad

Published: 19 May 2024 07:00
Man in his 25 years is assaulted at Österport Square.

May 19, 01:33, Vandalism, Malmö

Published: 19 May 2024 06:55
A car is on fire on Rönnbladsgatan.

May 19, 00.51, Assault, Klippan

Published: 19 May 2024 06:52
Man in his 60s suspected of assault.