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Conscription in Sweden and the Total Defence Obligation

In Sweden conscription which is a component in the broader sphere of "Totalförsvarsplikt", The Total Defence Obligation, is an important aspect of defense including the individual level of participation.

Published: 23 September 2024
Conscription in Sweden and the Total Defence Obligation
Photo: Anna Björkegren - press photo Pliktverket

The Total Defence Obligation means that every citizen or resident between the ages of 16 and 70 has to be available for duty during emergencies. This obligation includes military service, civil service duties, and other services of a general nature.

Conscription and Civil service

Military service, referred to as ‘värnplikt’ in Swedish consists of, at a minimum, basic military training provided by the Swedish Defence Forces and further missions in supporting cadres in the defense of the country are possible. Civil service means non-military activities that are pro-active in the functioning of society in the time of crises (Pliktverket).

Pliktverket recruits

Recruits’ selection for military service uses Pliktverket who is the Swedish recruiting agency that selects people for military service by a procedure termed "mönstring" or conscription testing. You don't need to enlist "mönstra", but everyone who has turned 18 years old needs to fill out the conscription registration form, with a few exceptions.

Pliktverket implements an all gender-inclusive format

Pliktverket implemented this idea first in 2017 following an increase in security and geopolitics in the region, and is currently implemented in all gender-inclusive formats. This means that now both males and females are open for conscription, showcasing the respect of Sweden to send people for equal service in national preservation. The call up of conscripts in Sweden is dependent on federal pockets and the directives of the military establishment who can always avail themselves of reserve corridors for effective changes.

All embracing preparedness

Last but not least, outside an individual's military duties, Total Defense Duty's purpose is to prepare each and every individual to assist in case of a national threat in a non-fighting, auxiliary role. There could be civil service employment in medical care, transportation, or other vital facilities that matter in times of disasters. This makes the country’s preparedness all embracing as it incorporates the outside the military and the non combatants that are critical to the success of the war.

An individual who does not perform the duties of a Totalförsvarsplikt is deemed to be breaking the law and this serves to protect the national security of Sweden inside it. The system reinforces the need for national obligation as regards participation of every individual in national and every other non-military defense aspects.

Source: Pliktverket

Shqiponja RamaS
By Shqiponja RamaFeature Writer

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