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Making friends in Sweden can be hard

Making friends in Sweden can be hard especially because the culture values silence and humility.

Published: 22 September 2024
Making friends in Sweden can be hard
Photo: Envato

This is because while Swedes do not find self-promotion and boasting as a norm, they are quite private and do not on the average initiate interactions with other people in the public space. One however cannot conclude that they are not willing to make any friends. The trick lies in these differences. Participating in such activities like attending classes, playing in sports teams or joining clubs remain the best ways through which one can meet Swedish people. Such environments provide a platform for repetitive connections to allow gradual development of trust and comfort.

Take your time

They are not too quick in forming intimate relationships so proper focus should be observed regarding etiquettes when dealing with them. Don’t be too personal by asking for their phones and other contacts when you have just met. Take your time working with them and take time to share experiences and talk about normal things.

To make friends with Swedes it can also be advantageous to look for international people. International people tend to create opportunities for building friendships with the locals involving cross-cultural understanding. This can help to close the gap between the reserved personality that most Swedes possess and the aggressive styles that most foreigners use.

Modesty is one of the hallmarks

As a reminder, modesty is one of the hallmarks of the Swedish Culture, for that reason make sure you approach social activities with a line of modesty. Refrain appearing to be overly excited or marketing oneself too much as such may come off as false. Rather, be a good audience and take an active interest in others.

Last but not least, one will want to point out that it is natural to take it upon oneself to attempt making friends, more so in open spaces. However, such is not the practice in Sweden to make friends. more than often, public interactions, or rather the social aspect of members of the society, is quite restrained in that one just cannot approach a complete stranger. Easier, there is a need for a more formal way of making friends where the respondents anticipate interaction. All in all, if you are intelligent enough to identify the processes within culture and find ways of being persistent and honest, which will take longer than you are used to, you will make friends in Sweden.

Shqiponja RamaS
By Shqiponja RamaFeature Writer

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