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Last chance: pick your berries now

It might be your last chance to pick berries because colder weather has reached Sweden.

Published: 26 September 2024
Last chance: pick your berries now
Photo: Envato

The chilly weather signals the time to fetch and enjoy some healthy and delectable seasonal berries.

Blueberry and Raspberry

Blueberries and raspberries rank among the most common best-selling berries primarily because the former is also very rich in antioxidants, while the latter contains ample vitamin and fiber content. Even blackberries make great berries to eat; they also contain vitamin C.

Sea buckthorn berry and Lingonberry

Sea buckthorn berries are well known for their high content of vitamins C and E as well as increasing immunity defenses: a rare combination. Lingonberry is a berry found in Swedish forests known to possess anti-inflammatory benefits. In the same way, elderberries which are well known to enhance immunity and prevent diseases are beneficial against flu (Land.se).


Cloudberries are also known to be favorites in Scandinavia; these contain ample vitamin C which is good for the skin. Finally, high in antioxidants, blackcurrants are a worthy addition to your fall diet due to their functional properties.

However, these berries rather than just enhancing the taste of your meals have proved to be of tremendously good use to the health of individuals as well. Stuffing yourself with the superfood during the autumn season will help enhance the immune system, prevent diseases as well as promote good health (Land.se).

Shqiponja RamaS
By Shqiponja RamaFeature Writer

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