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Law change for Swedish citizenship from October 1 2024

The Swedish government has aimed to strengthen the image of Swedish citizenship and make it more attractive by increasing the requirements to obtain citizenship.

Published: Today 11:33
Law change for Swedish citizenship from October 1 2024
Photo: Envato

This, of course, is time-consuming work, but as early as October 1, changes to the Citizenship Act are expected through the proposal presented in March this year.

We tell you more about what this means. This is not the same as the inquiry into Swedish citizenship that we previously wrote about and which is expected to be completed by the end of September.

Stricter rules for Citizenship

From October 1, 2024, new, stricter rules are expected to come into force to become a Swedish citizen. The government has presented a proposal that means it will be harder to get Swedish citizenship through notification, especially for people who are convicted or suspected of crimes.

At the same time, protection for children living in vulnerable situations is strengthened, for example, those who risk being forced to renounce their Swedish citizenship due to honor-related violence.

Young people aged 15-20 years old

To btain Swedish citizenship, the applicant must not:

  • Be reasonably suspected of serious criminal activity
  • Be convicted of serious or repeated criminal offenses
  • Be a threat to Sweden’s security or public safety
  • Have connections to groups or organizations that commit abuses against other people.

Important for Nordic citizens

Nordic citizens have so far been able to obtain Swedish citizenship by notifying the County Administrative Board. Starting from October 1st, these individuals will also need to apply to the Swedish Migration Agency, which will then take responsibility for all citizenship matters.

Stengthen Childrens rights not to be released from citizenship

For children, the rule applies that they should not be released from their citizenship unless it is in their best interest, and children over 12 years old must give their consent.

The purpose of the change is to ensure that Swedish citizenship is valued higher and that individuals who pose a threat to security should not be able to become citizens.

Source: Migrationsverket, Regeringskansliet

Michelle KimM
By Michelle KimEditor-in-chief

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