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Get Paid To Go To University? Only In Sweden!

It may come as a shock to many foreigners, but not only is university free in Sweden, you get paid to go there! Well… Not that much, but you do get an allowance paid to you whilst you are studying. But what if you are from another country, does this benefit still apply to you?

Published: 20 September 2024
Get Paid To Go To University? Only In Sweden!
Photo: Envato

Swedish university is free and all students can apply to get an allowance whilst they are studying, as long as they fulfill all requirements (more information can be found on the CSN website).

This allowance is to cover expenses such as books and transportation, but in general it is not enough to pay for all living costs. Therefore there is also the possibility to apply for a student loan on top of this.

How much do you get paid to study in Sweden?

For 2024 the student allowance is 2721 kr per week if you are studying full time. [1].

Can foreign students study for free at universities in Sweden?

Depending on where you are from, or where you have citizenship, you might be able to study for free at a university in Sweden. Swedish universities are free for people who are citizens of the EU, EES and Switzerland. [2]

If you are thinking about studying in Sweden all information can be found on the official websites:

Antagning.se- here you can find all information about applying to university studies, this is also where you apply.

CSN.se - here you can find all information regarding the student allowance and student loans.

Saga V. BohinenS
By Saga V. BohinenFeature Writer & Columnist

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