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Sweden supporting charitable organizations

When people in Sweden have the means, they are happy to help support charitable organizations.

Published: 12 July 2024
Sweden supporting charitable organizations
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In 2023, Swedes reduced their donations to charitable organizations by 8%. [1]

However, there has been an increase in giving over the past 10 years, except for 2023, which saw a decrease compared to previous years.

It's understandable that giving decreased in 2023 due to high interest rates and higher inflation, which led to less money available for households.

This year looks better so far

The Giving Index (Fundraising Manager Index, FMI) is an indicator that measures the sentiment around giving from both the public and companies. The indicator is based on a survey answered by fundraising managers from Giva Sweden's member organizations.

  • Below 50: Negative view of fundraising.
  • Above 50: Positive view of fundraising.

Compared to last year, it seems that Swedes have a better private economy and faith in the future. This is based on the fact that the Giving Index was 64 for April and May, compared to 57 last year. [2]

The 20 largest fundraising organizations in 2023

  • Cancer Foundation (Cancerfonden)
  • Doctors Without Borders (Läkare Utan Gränser)
  • UNICEF Sweden (UNICEF Sverige)
  • Sweden for UNHCR (Sverige för UNHCR)
  • Swedish Red Cross (Svenska Röda Korset)
  • Heart-Lung Foundation (Hjärt-Lungfonden)
  • Save the Children (Rädda Barnen)
  • Children's Cancer Foundation (Barncancerfonden)
  • SOS Children's Villages (SOS Barnbyar)
  • Mission Covenant Church of Sweden (Läkarmissionen)
  • Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden)
  • Plan International (Plan International)
  • World Wildlife Fund (Världsnaturfonden WWF)
  • Stockholm City Mission (Stockholms Stadsmission)
  • Greenpeace Nordic (Greenpeace Norden)
  • Act Church of Sweden (Act Svenska kyrkan)
  • Operation Smile Sweden (Operation Smile Sverige)
  • Salvation Army (Frälsningsarmén)
  • Sea Rescue Society (Sjöräddningssällskapet)
  • Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (Naturskyddsföreningen)

Source Givasverige.se

So if you want to feel generous and support an organization, please make sure they have a 90-account, which is a quality stamp indicating that the charity organization meets a higher standard. These 90-account organizations also have a corresponding Swish number. Here is a list of the charity organisations that have a 90-account click here for the list.

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