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Sweden is multicultural with 10,5 million inhabitants

As of the end of 2023, Sweden's population stood at approximately 10.5 million inhabitants. Sweden is a culturally diverse nation, with a significant proportion of foreign-born individuals hailing from various parts of the world.

Published: 03 July 2024
Sweden is multicultural with 10,5 million inhabitants
Photo: Vicente Viana Martínez

Did you know how multicultural Sweden really is? We dig into these numbers that are from SCBs yearly statistics.

Gender and age

The population consists of a slight majority of men in the country. The average age of the entire population is 41.9 years, with women having an average age of 42.8 years and men 41.1 years.

Country of birth

79.4% were born in Sweden, which corresponds to 8,38 million people. The remaining part, 2,17 million people, are foreign-born, which accounts for 20.6% of the population. The group of foreign-born individuals has increased by 1.2% compared to the previous year.

Swedish citizenship

92.0% of the population are Swedish citizens, which corresponds to 9,71 million people. Among these, 8,31 million were born in Sweden and 1,4 million were foreign-born. Foreign citizens make up 8.0% of the population and have an average age of 35.5 years.

Largest foreign groups

The largest group comes from Asia with 8.1% of the population, followed by EU countries outside the Nordic region with 3.7% and Europe outside the EU and Nordic region with 3.0%. Other significant groups include Africa with 2.4% and the Nordic region outside Sweden with 2.0%.

Sweden has a diverse population where a significant proportion consists of people with a foreign background. The demographic development shows a continued increase in foreign-born individuals and people with a foreign background, which contributes to the country's cultural and social diversity.

Photo by Vicente Viana Martínez

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