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TV Top: Only Football on the List

SVT segment censured by Review Board

SVT segment censured by Review Board

Picasso paintings get new location – in the ladies' loo

Picasso paintings get new location – in the ladies' loo


Panther back to Sweden next year


Culture in Almedalen: "More is at Stake"

The Highest-Grossing Film of the Year

The Highest-Grossing Film of the Year

Ulvaeus: It may have been the last time for Abba

Ulvaeus: It may have been the last time for Abba


Iran: Death sentence against rapper overturned


Sienna Miller: Never thought about the women

Donald Sutherland dead – "Loved what he did"

Donald Sutherland dead – "Loved what he did"

Bosse Andersson joins "The Traitors"

Bosse Andersson joins "The Traitors"


Travis Scott after the arrest: Lol


Merger Meets Strong Resistance from the Arts

Gallery does not have to repay crisis support

Gallery does not have to repay crisis support

Zytomierska Loses to ABBA

Zytomierska Loses to ABBA


Staffan Westerberg creates new "theatre revue"