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Swedish going by bus

It's generally not possible to pay with cash on SL public transportation. However, you can use apps like SL's own app or Travis. You can also tap a payment card.

Published: 18 May 2024
Swedish going by bus
Photo: Pexels

Common Phrases for Taking a Bus in Sweden.

At the Bus Stop

  • "När kommer nästa buss?" – When does the next bus arrive?
  • "Går den här bussen till [destination]?" – Does this bus go to [destination]?

Boarding the Bus

  • "Hej!" – Hi/Hello!
  • "Kan jag betala med kort?" – Can I pay with card?
  • "Kan jag blippa kortet?" – Can I tap my card?

On the Bus

  • "Ursäkta, är den här platsen ledig?" – Excuse me, is this seat free?
  • "Kan du säga till när vi är vid [destination]?" – Can you let me know when we are at [destination]?

Getting Off the Bus

  • "Stannar bussen vid [destination]?" – Does the bus stop at [destination]?
  • "Nästa hållplats, tack." – Next stop, please.

Additional Polite Phrases

"Tack!" – Thank you! "Ursäkta mig." – Excuse me.

Example Conversation

  • You: "Hej! En biljett till centrum, tack."
  • Driver: "Hej! Det blir 30 kronor."
  • You: "Kan jag betala med kort?"
  • Driver: "Ja, du kan blippa kortet här."
  • You: "Tack!"

(On the bus)

  • You: "Ursäkta, är den här platsen ledig?"
  • Passenger: "Ja, varsågod."

(Getting off the bus)

  • You: "Stannar bussen vid centralstationen?"
  • Driver: "Ja, vi är där om fem minuter."
  • You: "Tack!"

These phrases should help you navigate taking the bus in Sweden, including the option to pay by tapping your card.

SH LifestyleS
By SH LifestyleWrites about topics that can be of interest living in Sweden

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