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Most Popular Social Media in Sweden 2024

Internetstiftelsen (The Internet Foundation) in Sweden releases an annual report called "Svenskarna och internet" (The Swedes and the Internet), and the 2024 report has now been published.

Published: Today 12:46
Most Popular Social Media in Sweden 2024
Photo: Youtube press/Envato

What are the most popular social media/networking services in Sweden?

The following social networking services are most popular over the past 12 months

  • YouTube: is used by 79% of Swedish internet users, with 32% using it daily. The platform has seen a slight decline in daily use compared to 2023, especially among young people, but maintains a stable in total.
  • Facebook is used by 65% over the year, but daily use has decreased steadily from 2021 to 2024. The platform has gained fewer users.
  • Instagram: Used by 64% of internet users, with 47% using it daily. User base has remained stable between 2021 and 2024.
  • Snapchat: Used by 42%, but here too, there is a decline in frequent use but is very popular among young people.
  • TikTok: Used by 38% of Swedish internet users. The platform has shown growth between 2021 and 2024, especially among younger generations.
  • LinkedIn: Used by 31% of Swedes, with a stable user base between 2021 and 2024.
  • X (formerly Twitter) - Used by 13%, but the platform has stabilized the number of users over the past few years.

Social media that are increasing in popularity are TikTok, especially among young people. Roblox a gaming platform is also growing among children and young people. On the other hand, Facebook and Snapchat have seen a decline, especially in daily use.

Michelle KimM
By Michelle KimEditor-in-chief

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